When I am in the process of making penne pasta, meatballs and sauce, please remember that I am male and therefore cannot multi-task at all well. Do not call just as I'm about ready to dish up as the phone ringing is likely to lead to a temporary state of confusion which in turn will lead to me forgetting that the sieve got lost in the move which will lead to a moment of blind panic when I cannot find the wok-come-substitute-sieve.
Thank you.
You'd think after living here for 16 days and having cooked my fifth serving of pasta (its easy) in that time I would remember to buy a bloody sieve but noooooo I've got to do the pasta pot meets the wok shake and dance act because thats much more fun.
Post It note. Stuck to the door you leave through and transfered to the steering wheel.
I've never had to do that? Nope, really. :)
yeah I think that when I moved out on my own..that was the first thing I bought for the kitchen.
Figures I forgot to buy the pasta spoon. Don't you love pulling it out with a fork and spoon!
Jag: I remembered to buy the sieve, without the need for Post It notes, just as well really because if I were to use Post It notes for everything I might forget I wouldn't be able to see them for well other Post It notes.
Ellie: If I'm honest. Not Much!
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