Thursday, 31 January 2008

It Never Fails

When I buy something new the universe has to correct itself in some small way for fear of the world spinning off its axis or something similarly tragic. This correction usually involves the object that I have just bought not working when I get it home, or some other thing choosing to end the moment of joy that comes with a new purchase by choosing that same moment to die.
And so it was the case when I bought my new camera. First model in the store had a fault - I never even got to take it home. Had to wait until the manager phoned round other stores to see if there was another one available and then another few days to get my hands on it. Don't they know I'm an impatient sod?

You'd think this would be the end of it, the universe would be corrected, the world would be safe. Nuh uh. Within a few days of finally getting my hands on the camera my monitor decided after 8 years it was time to say good bye sweet world with a quiet but final 'pphfft' sound.

Well I had next to no money seeing as I had just paid for Christmas and bought myself a camera when I had my years tax bill to pay at the end of the month. So I got myself a not so new monitor on gumtree. That lasted 3 days. See what I mean?

Anyway after 2 weeks, or so, I'm back. Shh, don't tell the universe.

1 comment:

Girl said...


Glad you are back though.
Will we get to see pictures now?